The Foreign Edition (foreword)

The Foreign Edition (foreword)

To feel like a stranger, to feel foreign in your own time, extraneous in your own reality, is intrinsic to the human experience, just as much as falling in love or stargazing. Just as much as storytelling. It might be the reason why we all crave stories and why our...
The Folklore Edition (foreword)

The Folklore Edition (foreword)

I wish I could say there was a more compelling reason why Folklore is the theme for our first (official) issue, but truthfully it was the result of going down a Wikipedia rabbit hole whilst researching Scottish folklore and not being able to climb back out of it. The...
From Glyph, With Love

From Glyph, With Love

Writing often feels like a solitary task. It makes sense. Just you and a boundless page; pen hovering, cursor blinking. Those worlds and characters, those plot twists and cutting dialogues, all buzzing around in your head. Spending hours and hours perfecting each...